Delighted to welcome new WAPCA member Tierpark Berlin
Construction of our community kiln has started. This will use the coconut husks and create charcoal. This increases income for the communities and reduces the need to enter the forest for firewood.
Its survey season! We have two surveys being undertaken at Cape Three Point Forest Reserve and at the Ankasa-Tano Community Rainforest.
Delighted to have representatives from funders Wildlife Foundation come and visit our work.
New signs were installed within the Ankasa-Tano CREMA communities. The signs are to engage more people within the CREMA landscape to understand the process and the importance of safeguarding the forest and primates.
WAPCA participated in Green Ghana, both at our field sites and at Accra Zoo
Work has started on our 2nd coconut oil processing centre
Another year, another Mangabey Awareness Day celebrated at Cape Three Points
WAPCA meet with our colleagues from Cote d'Ivoire to discuss transboundary activities including joint patrols
WAPCA and the Ankas-Tano CREMA hosted a team from A Rocha to exchange experiences
WAPCA went to Nambia to learn more about the Eventbook forest and wildlife monitoring process