Mangabey Awareness Day

This year we focused our activities in the Western Region of Ghana. We had a two-day programme planned to engage the local communities who live near the habitat of the mangabey.
In Nawule and Anyiafutu we enjoyed a football tournament: the winner was Ellenda community after a tough final match against WAPCA Ivory Coast.

Ellenda community team, winners of the Mangabey Awareness Cup 2018.
Kids also enjoyed a puppet show, a clean-up activity to fill a wire mangabey, and coloring mangabeys...

Kids watching Mango puppet show
Filling the wire mangabey with rubbish collected from the ground. Mangabey made by J-HANS Copper Sculptures and Arts
...together with a mangabey song, which they could never stop singing - to listen the song watch the video below.
Mango song written and composed by Black Rasta
While in other zoos...
Other events were held at Gaia Zoo, Paignton Zoo, Wroclaw Zoo and Colchester Zoo.

Children preparing enrichment for the Cherry-crowned mangabeys at Wroclaw Zoo.
Enrichment prepared for Cherry-crowned mangabeys at Colchester Zoo.